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About Us

Customized Quality Cleaning Services in a Snap.

Serving Santa Rosa, Escambia, Okaloosa and Walton counties.


Our mission is to offer custom cleaning and maintenance services at affordable prices to our clients near the Emerald Coast. This company was established in 2014 and has been steadily growing. Our staff takes the proper time and safety measures to insure your best health and the proper handling of your belongings. 


Our company is a well established and locally owned establishment. There will never be a middle man or unsupervised employees in your home or business. Our owner or supervising manager will always be there to ensure customer satisfaction and proper team guidance. We will participate in all activities of services offered to you,  with an eagle eye, to assure that your property is safely cared for while our team is attending to their duties. All our employees must pass a background check and provide proof of citizenship. 


We provide excellent and safe services for extremely affordable rates. Why not get your free estimate today? You will save money while knowing that your possessions are safe. Customer satisfaction is guaranteed. Call today for your free estimate. 




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